Trick your body’s age for your body’s clock
On February 8, Autism Research, a scientific research journal, pre-published online a new study linking the older age of parents to increased risk of children with autism. This comes two weeks after Scottish researchers claim that after 30 ovarian reserves are a lot less than previously thought. At age 30 a woman’s reserve drops to 12% and by age 40 only 3% are left., a site for parents and parents-to-be, claims that since 1995 there has been a 50 percent increase of women over 40 years old having their first child and around the world nearly 20 percent of women are waiting until 35 years old.
According to, a health information portal with advice from Mehmet Oz, MD, internationally renowned surgeon, author and television personality in the US, healthy habits can alter your biological age vs. actual birth date. The age is accessed by a quiz to evaluate family health, nutritional intake, physical activity and lifestyle and offers simple habit changes that can make you younger., a site created from the international bestseller, What to Expect When You’re Expecting, lists some basics to add and avoid to help a post-35 woman be fit for pregnancy.
ADD: Foods rich in folic acid (dark leafy green salads, papaya), zinc (legumes, oatmeal), omega3 fatty acids (walnuts, flaxseeds, fish oils), B12 (animal protein or supplement), protein (eggs, legumes, soy), iron (spinach, fortified cereals), calcium (low-fat dairy, dried figs), and vitamin D (sunlight, fortified milk) and a variety of physical activity (sports, yoga).
AVOID: Fried foods, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, junk food (refined sugars and flours), skipping meals and shellfish (decrease fish intake).
RealAge Quiz:
Preconception Eating:
Independent and dependent contributions of advanced maternal and paternal ages to autism risk:
The birth of the biological clock:,46684,en.html
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