Boosting immunity can start naturally

With flu season in full swing -- and H1N1 looming large -- some medical experts are encouraging preventative medicine to keep the immune system functioning optimally to keep seasonal illnesses at bay.
With flu season in full swing - and H1N1 looming large - some medical experts are encouraging preventative medicine to keep the immune system functioning optimally to keep seasonal illnesses at bay.
According to, a popular website advocating natural and holistic approaches to health, priming the immune system starts with maintaining a healthy digestive tract. When the digestive system is healthy it can break down and access the nutrients in ingested foods. It also eliminates toxicity as well as harmful bacteria and viruses. Below are some naturally occurring immunity boosters (and that are also available in supplement form) the site lists that could help ward off colds and flu.
Garlic: The root's active ingredient, allicin, has antiviral and antibacterial properties. It cleans the liver, which in turn cleans the blood and stimulates the production of white blood cells.
Ginger: The root contains a number of volatile oils that warm the body and help it sweat, break a fever and eliminate toxins. It also stimulates the release of mucous and is effective for decongesting lungs and airways. It is also frequently used as a digestive aid because of its cleansing properties.
Honey: A natural antibiotic with antiseptic properties, honey also contains a number of immune-boosting and infection-fighting vitamins and minerals, including B-complexes, C,D, E vitamins and propolis. Honey also coats the throat better than cough syrup, some studies claim. Locally producted honey might be better for fighting off seasonal allergies, asthma and other respiratory troubles because it can fight off irritants typical of the area.
Cayenne: High in vitamins C, A, B and calcium and potassium, the spicy pepper stimulates blood circulation and is well known for the treatment of numerous conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also widely recognized as beneficial to the whole immune system.
Acidophilus and bifidus: Considered friendly bacteria, the live microbial organisms suppress the growth of potentially harmful bacteria, improve immune function, and help produce vitamin K. They are found in certain cultured dairy products like yogurt or kefir.
Go Green: Dark leafy green vegetables like kale, swiss chard, and spinach provide vitamins B12, folic acid, potassium, vitamins A, C and K, which all are said to bolster the immune system.
Acid and alkaline: A balance of internal acid/alkaline chemistry promotes digestion and also aids in healing. It can be achieved by squeezing lemon into a glass of hot water.
ChicagoHealers is a web-based health portal for alternative and non-traditional approaches to healing. It provides a database of alternative health practitioners in cities throughout the United Staes, educational programs and an online community for those interested in issues related to holistic and natural healthcare.
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