Two major health issues, heart disease and breast cancer, take centerstage in the coming days. On September 29, people around the globe celebrate World Heart Day, while Hard Rock's Pinktober kicks off October 1 to raise awareness of breast cancer.
World Heart Day
September 29
Celebrate your heart's health with local and workplace events (health checks, organized walks, runs and fitness sessions, public talks, stage shows, scientific forums, exhibitions, concerts, carnivals and sports tournaments) taking place in 100 countries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) "cardiovascular diseases are the world's largest killers, claiming 17.1 million lives a year."
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October 1-31
Hard Rock Cafes and Hotels worldwide
Pinktober 2011 is the 12th annual Hard Rock campaign for breast cancer awareness. Musicians worldwide will host events to support breast cancer charities that include concerts, showcases and fashion shows. There are also pink products (key chains, T-shirts, pins) for sale online and the hotels will turn down pink sheets with 25% of the room rate going to charity.
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International Walk to School Month
October 1-31
In a mission to combat childhood obesity, reduce carbon emissions, and raise awareness of the importance of creating cities that are friendly to walkers, International Walk to School Month suggests kids lace up their trainers and head to school on foot. To find out about how to get involved or to start or join a walking school bus - an organized group of kids walking together with an adult supervisor - visit
Livestrong Day
October 2
In acknowledgement of the day (October 2, 1996) when celebrity athlete and cancer survivor/advocate Lance Armstrong was diagnosed with cancer, Armstrong asks the world to come together to support the "28 million people living with cancer" and "renew our fight for a world without cancer - one community, one event and one conversation at a time." Stay tuned to the website to find out what events are happening in your area:
8th Men's Health World Congress
October 2-5
Vienna, Austria
The 8th annual multidisciplinary scientific congress for health professionals is devoted to advancing men's health with a focus on therapies, tools and new research in urology, cardiology, endocrinology, oncology, sexual medicine, mental health, primary care, public policy, education and aging. This year's theme is titled "Men and Ageing: A Lifelong Process." Registration ranges from €250-600.
6th Inner IDEA
October 6-9
La Jolla, California
Inner IDEA celebrates its sixth annual event centered on mind, body and spirit wellness. The international professional event is designed for health and fitness professionals with sessions based on integrative health and wellness, including 100+ interactive sessions on Pilates, yoga, Nia, gyrokinesis, integrated movement, meditation, nutrition, and the wellness marketplace. Yoga teacher Rodney Yee and Pilates pioneer Lolita San Miguel will be on hand to teach and share their experiences. Inner IDEA is designed to be an intimate educational event, especially compared to IDEA World Fitness Convention in LA, and participation is limited to 550 attendees.
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World Mental Health Day
October 10
The World Health Organization (WHO) and mental health advocates globally encourage great awareness about mental, neurological and behavioral disorders, their prevention and therapies. Hundreds of millions of people suffer from depression and other disorders that lead to "social isolation, poor quality of life and higher death rates."
World Sight Day
October 13
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 286 million people are visually impaired, yet 80 percent of the causes of blindness are preventable. The annual day devoted to sight awareness is focused on "Vision 2020: The Right to Sight," a global effort to prevent blindness created by the WHO and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness.
Striiv fitness tracker launches
October 15
Silicon Valley-based startup Striiv its launching its portable fitness device that blends fitness and gaming with something a bit unexpected - charitable donations. By being active, users can earn points to donate to real-world charities, at no extra cost to them. The device partners with GlobalGiving to help a range of projects around the globe. Striiv is available for preorder via its website at $99. The new gadget joins a slew of lifestyle-tracking portable devices, including Adidas MiCoach Pacer, Basis, Digifit, Fitbit, Jawbone UP, and Nike+GPS.
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Global Handwashing Day 2011
October 15
This year's event focuses on educating children to promote handwashing in 80 nations worldwide since "poor hygiene and lack of access to sanitation together contribute to about 88% of deaths from diarrheal diseases, accounting for 1.5 million diarrhea-related under-five deaths each year."
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