Get out and get active whatever the weather with Decathlon
Keep warm, protected and safe through Autumn and Winter with the right outdoor gear
Whether you’re on an outdoor adventure, taking part in sport or exercise, or just commuting to work, there’s no need to fear the change in weather when Autumn and Winter come around. Shorter and darker days simply mean getting the right gear and layering up – for warmth and comfort, for protection from the elements, and to make sure you’re safe and seen.
Decathlon has an incredible range of products that tick all the seasonal boxes and prove that good quality kit can be found at great value prices. Founded in 1976, Decathlon is a family-owned business that prides itself on providing the latest, high performance products for all ages, backgrounds and skill-levels.
A quick browse of their website reveals seasonal clothing and accessories ranging from base layers and thermals that offer extra warmth and comfort; fleeces and waterproofs to keep you active in the worst of the weather; and wellies, hiking boots, gloves and hats for all round protection.
Their extensive range covers every outdoor activity you can imagine, catering for those who walk, hike or run, along with sportier pursuits such as Football, Rugby, Cycling Skiing, Tennis, Training and Swimming for those brave enough to take a dip in the winter water. And even if your outdoor pursuits involve little more than a stroll to the bus stop then their range of jackets, accessories and hi-vis gear will give you ample protection whatever the weather.
Here, we’ve picked out a few of our favourite seasonal essentials to keep you active in all conditions.
Quechua Men’s Hiking Lightweight Waterproof Jacket - MH500,
This waterproof jacket was designed and tested in the French Alps and comes with a 2 year warranty, so you can be sure it’s capable of withstanding some rough weather. Its light and breathable eco-design is made with stretch fabric and adjustable sleeves and hood, adding to its comfort. Providing warmth and protection from the winter rain, it’s an excellent all-rounder for outdoor activities and its compact design means it can easily be packed away in a backpack should the weather brighten up.
Quechua Women’s Waterproof Mountain Walking Jacket - MH500,
This waterproof walking jacket doesn’t just offer warmth, comfort and weather protection, it also looks great too. Available in a choice of four stylish colour combinations, you can wear it with confidence whether you’re walking up a hill or on your way to the office. Style is further enhanced by a fitted cut that doesn’t compromise on comfort – elastane fabric and adjustable sleeves and hood give you increased freedom of movement. This eco-designed jacket has been tested in the French Alps and comes with a 2 year warranty.
Quechua Waterproof Mountain Walking Shoes - MH500 Mid Brown,
These waterproof boots are the ideal footwear for those who like to hike regularly, whether following a mountain trail or out for a walk in the woods. Beneath the waterproof membrane your feet will feel cushioned and comfortable, and will stay dry for up to 8 hours in all weather. A rubber sole and 5mm studs provide good grip on tough terrain and their impact protection and foot support will help to look after your feet.
Women’s waterproof mountain walking boots - MH500 Mid - Green,
As with the men’s walking shoes we’ve picked out above, these waterproof mountain boots for women offer great value at under £80. Designed to a medium ankle height they’re strong and lightweight, allowing you to tackle challenging hikes without putting your feet under too much strain. They’re waterproof, breathable, have a thick EVA foam midsole. A rubber stone guard at the front and plastic at the back of the foot provide extra protection.
Kipsta Adult Long-Sleeved Thermal Base Layer Top Keepdry 500,
This thermal base layer is made with the footballer in mind – a sport that involves intense bursts of exercise combined with periods of downtime between the action. The base layer is designed to absorb moisture and keep your skin dry by wicking away perspiration and helping to maintain your internal body temperature at 37°C during exercise, in both hot and cold weather. It comes in a full choice of colours to synch with your team’s shirts and, at just £19.99 we think it should be an essential part of your kit bag. No wonder the customer reviews are so full of praise.
Wedze Womens Ski Base Layer Top & Bottoms,
Skiing is one of the more expensive outdoor hobbies to get involved in, so you should be pleased to hear that you can add extra warmth and comfort with these low price base layers. Available for both men Mens Ski Base Layer Top & Bottoms and women Womens Ski Base Layer Top & Bottoms, Decathlon has tops and bottoms that are among the best value items around. Designed for low intensity use during the colder months they have moisture management features for minimal drying and a brushed interior for warmth. And with stretch knit fabric, each item will adapt to all body shapes.