April 26 was all about The World's 50 Best Restaurants list and also the first day of The Titanic Awards 2010 online survey, also known as the World's Worst list that celebrates the food and travel industry's failures. Here are some early results.
Doug Lansky, man behind The Titanic Awards and accomplished travel writer currently residing in Sweden and past columnist of The Vagabond, a Chicago Tribune humorous adventure travel column, shared with Relaxnews insights from his new book The Titanic Awards: celebrating the worst of travel to be published on May 4 ($13.95) and some early results from the 2010 survey.
In 2009, 2000 people, "a better-traveled-than-average group of people," representing 80 nations, took part in the first Titanic Awards. If you ever wondered what country is home to the rudest waiters, most overrated cuisine or want to be able to nominate a place, then the TitanicAwards.com is for you.
This year's survey will run until July 30 and in its first day already over 500 (a quarter of last year's total) have voted for their world's "worst." Here are some early results compared with 2009 (all are listed worst to worse):
World's rudest waiters
2010: France, United States, Italy, Britain, Germany
2009: France, United States, Britain, Italy, Australia
World's worst tasting drinking water
2010: Mexico, China, India, United States, Italy
2009: India, Mexico, China, Britain, United States
World's most overrated cuisine
2010: France, Italy, China, Germany, Japan
2009: France, Italy, United States, Britain, Japan
World's worst national cuisine
2010: Britain, United States, Canada, Australia, Germany
2009: Britain, United States, China, Russia, Germany
World's worst beer
2010: United States, Australia, France
2009: United States, China, Britain
Want to know how the creator of Pauline Frommer's Guidebooks, the founding editor of Outside magazine or editor-in-chief of National Geographic Traveler Magazine voted on "Worst Local Delicacy", "Worst Menu Item" or "Worst Meal"? Go to: http://www.titanicawards.com/category/famous-travelers
And, to nominate your worst choices, visit the site before July 30: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/6ZZQKSD
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