Marinaded anchovies with parsley salad

Serves 8

Mark Hi
Friday 31 December 2010 20:00 EST
(Jason Lowe)

Once again the anchovies are being landed down in Devon and Cornwall, which is fantastic news for our menus – hopefully the catch will also attract other species that would normally feed on them. Anchovies can be filleted by simply running your finger down the belly and pushing the fillets away from the bone – no knife needed. If you don't fancy this, you can get your fishmonger to do it for you instead. Rinse the fillets in cold water, remove any visible bones that may be left on and dry the fish on some kitchen paper.

You can keep these preserved in a kilner jar or vacuum-pack them.

30 or so fresh anchovies, filleted
A couple of handfuls of flat parsley leaves, washed and dried
3-4 medium-sized shallots, peeled
2tbsp capers
Some olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

For the marinade

150ml olive oil
Juice of 1 lemon
1tbsp white wine vinegar
2 garlic cloves, peeled and thinly sliced
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Make the marinade by mixing all the ingredients together. Lay the anchovies in a dish and pour the marinade over them. Cover with clingfilm and leave to marinate in the fridge for at least 24 hours.

To serve, drain off a little of the marinade and mix with some olive oil to make enough dressing to toss into the parsley leaves. Put the parsley, shallots and capers into a bowl and mix with the dressing, then arrange on serving plates. Lay the anchovy fillets on top and serve.

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