Berenjena Con Queso - Aubergine and cheese fritters
Tapas: Serves 2 - 4
This vast region of Spain extends northwards from Madrid before hitting the Sierre Cantabrica. Old Castile symbolises quintessential Spain: austerity, silent cloisters, grains, pulses, organic meat. Wine aside, Rioja is northern Spain's market garden, producing red peppers, artichokes, asparagus and aubergines. Old Castille shares this taste, and the region's love of meat.
Berenjena Con Queso
This dish is the flagship of chefs Carlos Martinez and Meay Espinosa. When their bar, Casa Pali, opened in 1994, they didn't think there were enough vegetable tapas in Logrono. "We decided to produce something healthier than other bars were making, and the aubergine became our symbol," says Martinez.
Makes 4 tapas
4 thin slices of tangy, easy-to-melt cheese, such as French Chaumes, cut to fit aubergine
8 thin slices of aubergine
Salt to taste
2 beaten eggs for coating
Flour for coating
Olive oil for frying
For each tapa, place a slice of cheese between two slices of aubergine. Season with salt. Dip in egg, then flour. Fry in a little oil over a medium heat until golden on both sides. Serve hot.
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