Wine: Something For The Weekend?

4 H de L'Hospitalet White; 2004 Château Complazens Syrah; 2004 Château Complazens Syrah

Friday 25 November 2005 20:00 EST

Under a Fiver: 2004 H de L'Hospitalet White, £4.99, Tesco

Reduced until 16 December from its £6.99 list price, a subtle touch of barrel-fermentation in Gérard Bertrand's ripe honeyed Mediterranean blend of chardonnay, viognier and sauvignon blanc adds spicy undertones and textured richness.

Under a Tenner: 2004 Château Complazens Syrah, £5.99 Majestic

Since winning a trophy in this year's Vin de Pays top 100 this has been re-packaged in smarter livery. The southern French red shows the tarry, smoky aromas and juicy, antiseptic flavours (if it sounds bad, it isn't) more often found in Crozes-Hermitage.

Splash Out: GH Martel Premier Cru Champagne, £11.99, Co-op

Down from £18.99 until 4 December and priced presumably to shift mature stocks (indicated by a cork that doesn't expand after popping), this is a rich, full-bodied champagne full of appley, yeasty flavours well worth taking advantage of while these stocks last.

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