Why I am the Boden walrus's biggest fan

Rebecca Armstrong
Sunday 30 September 2012 19:00 EDT
Boden walrus on your envelope
Boden walrus on your envelope

Who's this handsome beast? He appeared on an envelope I received last week. Happily tearing it open, I assumed it must be a missive from a friend who knows I love a creature. But no, this tusksome fellow was on the outside of a voucher for Boden. I've never bought anything from Boden, but all that could change if this handsome devil was going to appear on T-shirts, shopping bags or even in miniature form on a tea dress.

It's not that mad an idea when you think about the signature Lacoste croc or the penguin that appears on Original Penguin Clothing tops. Although if one associated any animal with Boden, it's got to be founder Johnnie Boden's Jack Russell terrier, Sprout, who clocks in one day a week in the clothing brand's office. Still, where there's a cute line drawing of an animal, there's hope.

I rang the patient folk in the press office to find out more. I discovered the walrus is one of a host of wintry creatures (seals, penguins, polar bears) created by the in-house art team to adorn promotional materials during the dark months. And while my new friend does appear on some clothes (yay!), these are long johns. For little boys. But, as the press officer kindly pointed out, these do go up to age 14 in size so perhaps I'll get to wear my walrus with pride after all...

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