Family Travel: The Good Family Hotel Guide 12. Stapleford Park, Leicestershire
A lordly country pile in 500 acres of Leicestershire parkland, which welcomes families. Informal atmosphere, no dress code.
More than 50 designer bedrooms, each one themed and many of them sponsored. For example, the IBM room is replete with computers; the MGM has a cinema curtain and director's chair. Most rooms, however, are in styles more typical of a country-house hotel, with four-poster beds.
The dining-room has a gourmet menu that includes an "adult nursery dish" such as fish and chips or shepherd's pie, just in case the likes of guinea fowl with truffle oil polenta fail to turn you on. Children's high teas from 5.50pm to 6.30pm.
Brick paths twist through the resort, down to a long beach.
How long have you got? Archery, croquet, falconry, fly-fishing, riding, hot-air ballooning, clay pigeon shooting, off-road 4x4 driving, golf, mountain biking, spa and beauty centre, indoor swimming-pool and gym, tennis (outdoor).
Fellow guests
Moneyed, youngish set who revel in the laid-back atmosphere; plenty of families, quite a lot of Americans.
Sample prices
Rooms from pounds 165 for two, B&B. "manor rooms", large enough for a cot and an additional bed, cost pounds 200 per night. If you need two additional beds, go for a "state room", pounds 250. Prices exclude VAT.
Stapleford Park, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire LE14 2Ef (01572 787522, fax: 01572 787 651, e-mail: reservations@
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