Fabulous Christmas gift ideas: Techie treats

Feast your eyes on part one of our ultimate Christmas gift guide: this week, terrific toys for boys and girls, foodie treats, addictive gadgets, literary treasures and much more…

Friday 25 November 2011 20:00 EST

1. Built neoprene sleeve for Kindle, £24.95, John Lewis

2. NAD C552 turntable, £285, John Lewis

3. Mini wooden apple speaker, £26, V&A Shop

4. Nintendo 3DS, £189.95, John Lewis

5. Freeloader solar charger, £39.99, Firebox

6. Dell laptop cover art, £39.95, Dell.co.uk

7. Samsung 3D rechargeable glasses, £79.99, Selfridges

8. Olympus E-P3 camera, £799, John Lewis

9. Swarovski crystallised ICE London phone, £500, Swarovski

10. 'Tweets and Status Updates: Lines For All Occasions', £8.95, Liberty

11. Panasonic 50-inch Neo plasma full HD television, £999, Selfridges

12. Cozy remote caddy, £12.50, Hidden Art

13. Spy camera, £79.99, Firebox

14. IVictrola Ipod speaker, £698, Anthropologie

15. Lomography coloursplash camera, £58, Selfridges

16. 'Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography', by Walter Isaacson, £12.44, Amazon

17. Speaker balloon by Yuento, £40, Design Museum shop

18. Vita radio, £179.99, Selfridges

Click the links below to view the gift guides

Fabulous Christmas gift ideas: Teen girl

Fabulous Christmas gift ideas: Kitchen kit

Fabulous Christmas gift ideas: Techie treats

Fabulous Christmas gift ideas: Drink me

Fabulous Christmas gift ideas: Animal magic

Fabulous Christmas gift ideas: Teen boy

Fabulous Christmas gift ideas: Toys for boys

Fabulous Christmas gift ideas: Eat me

Fabulous Christmas gift ideas: Green fingers

Fabulous Christmas gift ideas: Bookworms

Fabulous Christmas gift ideas: Toys for girls

Fabulous Christmas gift ideas: Stockists

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