11 things you can do in your 30s to live without regrets

Chris Weller
Thursday 03 November 2016 13:28 EDT
Stay fit and healthy. It is a long way back once you lose it
Stay fit and healthy. It is a long way back once you lose it

The internet may be made up of millions of anonymous strangers, but those strangers can still share some pretty great life advice.

One of the most common questions to come up on Reddit's AskReddit threads is young people asking how to live without regret.

Thousands of people have weighed in over the last several years, offering advice to people of all ages.

Here are some of the shiniest pearls of wisdom from people over 40 to people still in their 30s:

"Big goals are just checkpoints and have far less punch in hindsight."

"Big goals are just checkpoints and have far less punch in hindsight. The day-to-day moments of sitting around with friends, cuddling on the couch, laughing together at a funny joke, those moments burn in memory and hold all of the real importance. Attaining or not attaining goals seems to have nothing to do with happiness. Looking back, some of my biggest failures that seemed so catastrophic at the time, feel meaningless. They are just part of my story. The people I've lost, I miss every day. It's only about the people." — clickclickfizzle

"Multitasking is an oxymoron."

"I regret ... living in a shallow blur, by doing too many things adequately vs. a few meaningful things really, really well.

"Multitasking is an oxymoron, and your inbox will always be full — that is its job. But being excellent in a few cherished things (playing piano, skiing, photography, whatever) gives a lasting reward." — mustlovecash

"Stay fit and healthy guys. It's a long way back once you lose it!"

"I got married in my late 20s and really settled into a sedentary lifestyle right through my 30s. Stacked on too much weight and the lack of exercise and terrible diet now sees me having some fairly significant health issues before I even hit 45.

"Stay fit and healthy guys. It's a long way back once you lose it!" — Ozguy23

"Spend time with your kids! Appreciate them while you can."

"42 here. Happy with marriage and children. I worked really hard through my 30s. Now my daughter has moved out to go to college and I deeply, deeply regret not spending more time with her and a bit less at work. I built a solid financial future (I hope!) but now I know it came at a terrible cost. I'll never get that time back. Parents, be warned. Spend time with your kids! Appreciate them while you can." — perldivr

"Don't let yourself be intimidated by anyone."

"Don't let yourself be intimidated by anyone. Make sure you learn from other people, be it successes or failures." — breisleach

"Whatever you think you are going to do someday — do it now if at all possible."

"Whatever you think you are going to do someday — do it now if at all possible, and if not possible make a plan to make it a reality and start working that plan. Otherwise 10 years from now it will still be just a fantasy. If you wish for it, it's a fantasy. If you plan for it, it's a dream. But only if you work for it might it become a reality." — saurellia

"Don't slave away for a company thinking it's for some sort of greater good and that you will be greatly rewarded some time in the future."

"Don't slave away for a company thinking it's for some sort of greater good and that you will be greatly rewarded some time in the future. Unless there is actual, measurable benefit for you in putting in so many hours, it's not going to happen. Nobody thanks you in the end, and you'll just burn out. Now, if you do this with a clear purpose and/or have actual benefits, that's fine. If not, quit. Put the same energy into your own business and be good at what you do." — horstenkoetter

"Throw yourself a 33 & 1/3 birthday party."

"Throw yourself a 33 & 1/3 birthday party. You've made it exactly 1/3 of a century, celebrate it! Something I thought about then and didn't do, but still regret. You only have one other opportunity in your entire life to do something similar, but a 66 & 2/3 party at 2/3 of a century just doesn't have the same ring to it, plus I'm guessing it won't be with as lively a crowd as you have now." — SmartassStrongNThis1

"Binge drinking will give you two-day hangovers, and alcohol calories are hard to drop."

"Binge drinking will give you two-day hangovers, and alcohol calories are hard to drop. Learn to drink less." — cephaloman

"Start thinking about your exit strategy."

"Start thinking about your exit strategy. When would you like to retire? What's it going to take to do that with the money you'll need? Don't obsess of it, but think well forward for planning. Don't just target what your income will be (pension, investments, etc.) at the point of retirement, consider what its value is going to be for the 30, 40, 50 years you may be living after that point." — canarchist

"You'll never have enough for retirement."

"You'll never have enough for retirement. You don't need a fancy car or big house. You don't need to keep up with the Joneses either. When I was 15, my dad died when he was 42 from a small airplane crash. It taught me to slow down and enjoy what I have because it could be gone in an instant. Good luck!" — twistedwhitty

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Read the original article on Business Insider UK. © 2016. Follow Business Insider UK on Twitter.

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