The A-Z of Business Schools: University of Newcastle - School of Management
Age: Over 50
History: Its roots go back to the 1920s when commerce was taught to engineers. Management emerged as a discreet subject in the 1940s. MBA evolved from part-time programme in the department of industrial management. Full-time MBA born 1987. The school draws on academics for research and teaching from five departments: economics, law, agricultural economics and food marketing, management studies, accounting and finance.
Address: In the splendid 19th century Armstrong Building at the heart of university's campus.
Ambience: An integral part of this large civic university complete with marble and endless corridors. Newcastle is a classic large red-brick university in a newly happening city.
Vital statistics: A small school with 40 full and part-time MBA students it concentrates on postgraduates and offers a typical MBA programme with a strong functional core and a final dissertation. Good staff:student ratio. Full and part-time MBAs taught together.
Added value: Has run a consortium MBA with Rolls-Royce for the past nine years. Because of the way the school is organised students can study courses from other university departments eg from the medical school, architecture, history or politics.
Easy to get into? Three years' work experience plus a first degree or equivalent.
Association of MBA's accreditation: Yes, for full and part-time MBAs.
Glittering alumni: Gus Robinson, managing director, Gus Robinson Developments; Dr Tony Saia, managing director, RRHM Specialists Clarke Chapman; Tim Shilston, chief inspector, Northumbria police; Edward Ross, managing director, Dunlop Powerbend; Mark Dixon, managing director, Promanex; Ken Boyle, human resource director, Rolls-Royce Aero Engineer Services.
International connections: Forty per cent of students come from outside UK. It has links with schools in France, Spain, Greece, Germany, Norway, Austria and Denmark and arranges regular exchanges with French business schools.
Gurus: Dr Norman Jackson, expert in organisational behaviour, who asked "Management gurus: what are we to make of them?"; Paul Miller who writes about strategic HRM; Professor Alistair Nicholson, visiting guru from LBS, a dab hand with computer simulation and stickle-bricks; Bruce Grant, law lecturer and joint founder of world-leading on-line electronic law journal.
Research: Awarded 2 (top grade 5) for management studies in research assessment exercise; 2 for accounting and finance; 5 for agricultural economics and food marketing, and economics; and 3 for law.
Teaching: Rated satisfactory by the higher education funding council.
Student profile: Average age on full-time programme is 26; on part-time 36. Male/female ratio is 75:25.
Cost: pounds 7,500 for EU students; pounds 9,500 for those outside EU.
Return on investment: Better jobs, more money.
Who's the boss? Ex-industrialist Dr Roger Vaughan, who was most recently joint CEO of Swan Hunder Shipyard. Now plans to build a boat in back garden.
Next week: School of Management and Finance, University of Nottingham.
Lucy Hodges
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