A safe bet: Jameela Jamil will be a charts success

As is the fashion, Jameela Jamil started her new stint as the first solo female presenter of the chart show on Radio 1 today with a tweet.
"Boom! And we're off. Fingers, toes, eyes and testes crossed... Let's do this!" she wrote.
Jamil played it safe, drawing on her experience as the funny girl-next-door type, her model looks notwithstanding. Rather than someone trying to be "down with the kids", she's the sort of person who the kids might actually like.
At 26, she is also young, something she dropped into conversation yesterday when she pointed out that the band at number 38 on the chart, Bon Jovi, have been together "since 1985, before I was even born." This came with a joke about the band using "zimmer frames" on tour.
It also also reminded us that she is part of Radio 1's new crop of key presenters such as Greg James and Nick Grimshaw. They're there to secure the station a younger audience and to replace an old guard of hosts (such as Chris Moyles and Vernon Kay) and listeners, who, presumably, do remember 1985.
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