The Saturday Quiz: Try our weekly brain teaser


Chris Maume
Friday 17 July 2015 08:13 EDT

1. In 1889 in New York, what did Customers' Afternoon Letter become?

2. With 14, which Shakespeare play contains the most deaths?

3. Chapeau melon et bottes de cuir ("Bowler hat and leather boots") was the French title of which British television programme?

4. In Jamaica, what are garrisons?

5. Which film director died in 1978 while working on a script based on the story of the spy George Blake?

6. Harry S Truman, Ulysses S Grant, Iain M Banks. What's the link?

7. Which track cycling event was named after the New York venue where it was first contested?

8. What did the cartographer John Spilsbury invent in around 1760 as an aid to teaching geography?

9. Angered by police responses to hunger marchers, which British organisation did Ronald Kidd and Sylvia Scaffardi co-found in 1934?

10. Which pop duo began their career as Tom and Jerry?

Click here to see the answers

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