This quiz will help you decide what film to watch at Christmas
The Christmas quiz elves are here to help you make up your mind

You've been looking forward to taking a break all year, but now you've set everything up with blankets and mince pies you've drawn a blank on what you actually want to watch.
Several new Christmas films come out every year - you've got far too many films to choose from, and most of them aren't much good anyway.
Even when it comes to the classics, the decision is a hard one. Do you go for the romance, the old-timey classics, or something a bit more quirky?
You can't just watch any old Christmas film - it has to be the right one.
You on get to do this once a year, so it's important you don't make the wrong decision.
Miracle of miracles, there's a quiz to guide you.
What're you going to be watching?
This article was originally published on 24 December 2015
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