How cool are you? Round 5

61 What did the model Kate Moss reportedly ask the fashion designer John Galliano on her wedding day?
62 What was the original term used to describe documentaries?
63 Where has the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange taken refuge?
64 What did Paul Newman, in Cool Hand Luke, say could be a “real cool” poker hand?
65 What is “the Fonzie touch”?
66 What is Dudeism?
67 By what name did Ali G once address the former UN secretary-general, Boutros Boutros Ghali?
68 To what did the word “geek” originally refer?
69 Who was Carly Simon addressing in the song You’re So Vain?
70 What make of car is driven by James Bond in Goldfinger?
71 Heroin was originally sold over the counter to people suffering from what ailment?
72 The rock group The Doors are named after what book by which author?
73 What was the nickname given to the occultist Aleister Crowley by his mother?
74 What was the original name given to snowboarding?
75 What do the letters stand for in the pastime known as BASE jumping?
Click here for the previous round
Taken from 'How to be Cool' by Thomas W Hodgkinson, published by Icon, priced £12.99.
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