1Pranamat Eco massage set

Best: Overall
The spikiest acupressure mat we tested was also the most effective. Pranamat Eco’s pretty mat, made with linen, cotton and coconut fibre, takes a little getting used to: the lotus-flower shaped spiky rosettes, made from hypoallergenic plastic, were the hardest we encountered. One of our reviewers couldn’t even come close to standing on it with bare feet. But this spikiness makes it extremely effective; so much so that it’s become an irreplaceable part of our self-care toolkit.
The pillow, which comes with the mat if you buy the set, is stuffed with buckwheat. Rolling it under the nape of the neck and shoulders completely relieved our headaches – even one that had more to do with martinis than muscle strain. It works even if you’re not particularly setting aside time to chill out – laid over your chair while you’re watching TV, or in bed while reading at night, for example.