Independent Voucher Codes: trusted discounts from your favourite brands

The best deals and discount codes from hundreds of top brands

Lois Borny
Tuesday 07 May 2024 05:13 EDT
(Savings United)

Access the best deals and discount codes from hundreds of top brands, all in one place. Operated by voucher specialists, Savings United, Independent Voucher Codes streamlines your online shopping experience. Hand-tested and verified by ecommerce experts, redeem each promo code in confidence and save money in seconds.

From holidays and days out to fashion and tech, you’ll never have to pay full price again. The Independent works alongside Savings United to present shoppers with the widest range of deals. Many of the UK’s top retailers trust Independent Voucher Codes to deliver exclusive offers that won’t be on other coupon sites. With over 10,000 discounts to explore, online shopping has never been more affordable.

Where can I save?

Choose from 18 shopping categories, including utilities, insurance, travel, restaurants, electronics and fashion. With a dedicated area for your shopping needs, we combine a range of services and offerings that create a complete approach to saving.

Independent Voucher Codes also has a dedicated sale page for popular shopping events and celebrations such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, January sales and Easter. These spaces allow you to compare the best deals from multiple brands on one page.

How to find a discount code 

Find the brand or store you are looking for by using the search bar in the menu. The voucher homepage also displays top daily deals, so you can easily redeem an offer in just a few clicks.

Each brand page has a list of active vouchers which are regularly reviewed by the ecommerce team. Simply select the offer you would like to redeem, and copy the code on the pop-up screen. Remember to paste the code into the specified box when you checkout. Offers that do not require a code will be automatically applied by the retailer.

What types of offers can I find?

See instant savings on your order summary by applying a promo code to your basket. However, you can also take advantage of impressive discounts from flash sales, clearance offers and seasonal promotions – all of which are visible on brand pages. With full visibility of all available deals, you can maximise your savings by combining a discount code where possible (always check the terms and conditions of the offer).

Meet our team of savings experts

Content Team 

Lois Borny

Lois Borny
Lois Borny (The Independent)

Lois Borny works on the product review section of The Independent, IndyBest, where she helps readers to save money and shop savvy, scouting out the very best deals and sharing her tried and tested reviews of the products worth buying. Lois reviews and curates top deals for Independent Voucher Codes.

Lily Jones

Lily Jones
Lily Jones (Savings United)

Lily is a Senior Content Manager with over six years in the industry. She manages promotions for top brands, such as Reiss, Phase Eight, Alton Towers and Debenhams. Supporting the team with creative direction is one of Lily’s primary roles, alongside writing articles to help consumers save money.

Grace Raykova

Grace Raykova
Grace Raykova (Savings United)

Grace is a Senior Content Manager focusing on user experience, navigation and brand guidelines. She ensures that all content and promotions published on the Independent Vouchers portal are active and compliant. Grace also manages popular retailer pages which include Mint Velvet, Dunelm, AO and Vodafone.

Ryan Mackie

Ryan Mackie
Ryan Mackie (Savings United)

As Content Manager, Ryan supports the team with the day-to-day running of the vouchers’ space. He manages over 100 store pages, providing shoppers with money-saving tips and the latest offers.

Partnerships Team 

Alina Kroon

Alina Kroon
Alina Kroon (Savings United)

As a Senior Partnerships Manager, Alina collaborates with key partners to ensure customers have the best product offerings and shopping experience. With over six years in the affiliate industry and key account management experience, she excels in developing strong brand relationships.

Marianna Witkowska

Marianna Witkowska
Marianna Witkowska (Savings United)

Marianna is a Partnerships Manager who has worked in affiliate marketing for over five years. With a previous background in content optimisation, she has a wealth of consumer-facing and B2B experience. She now manages and builds relationships with the UK’s leading brands and affiliate networks, securing exclusive promotions and offers.

Why you should trust us

For over 12 years, Savings United has been a leader in the voucher space with a vision to save consumers money the simple way. Understanding that traditional ways of finding deals can be time-consuming and stressful, their expertise creates a sure-fire solution for seamless shopping. Joining forces with The Independent since 2018, together with Independent Voucher Codes brings a reliable and trustworthy platform for readers to source the best discounts.

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