Some of the best entries from a summer of making today delicious


Wednesday 28 August 2013 09:39 EDT

For the last twelve weeks, we've been asking how you planned to make today delicious through food for your partner, family or friends, and giving away £50 M&S gift cards to the best suggestions - plus monthly grand prizes like everything you need for a champagne picnic.

These are some of the best, prize-winning responses to the question 'How will you make today delicious...?'

With love and smiles and fresh ingredients!
Kayleigh, Newport

One of our favourite photo entires: summer champagne cocktails
One of our favourite photo entires: summer champagne cocktails

My daughter's very excited about school Spanish trip but worried about the food, so I made a delicious Spanish meal for her as a special treat
Caroline, Chelmsford

Another one of the best photo entries: healthy, fresh veg
Another one of the best photo entries: healthy, fresh veg

The first new potatoes from our allotment, served with farm butter - do you need anything else?
Brenda, Lancashire

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