The Apprentice 2014 result: Felipe Alviar-Baquero fired by Lord Sugar for being 'too smart'

Lord Sugar did not like the lawyer's flat-pack skeleton decision

Jess Denham
Wednesday 03 December 2014 18:00 EST

Felipe Alviar-Baquero has been fired from The Apprentice for “trying to be too much of a smart person”.

Lord Sugar’s latest task for his aspiring business partners tested their negotiation skills – they were given just one day to buy nine items, all of which have featured in the show over the last decade, at the best price possible.

Products on their shopping list include kosher chickens, a full size anatomically correct human skeleton and a diamond.

Controversy arose when Felipe suggested to his team that a flat-pack skeleton would cost a fraction of the price of a 3D model, but unimpressed show boss Lord Sugar fined the team for their risky move.

Team Tenacity failed with a total spend of £709.59 and project manager Daniel brought Felipe and Katie back into the boardroom to meet their fate.

“Felipe, this particular task was a kind of attempt to try and prove to me some tactical piece of genius,” said Lord Sugar. “I don’t think it’s a tactical piece of genius. It’s a mixture between what you think you are – an entrepreneur and a lawyer.

“Felipe, you fought your corner but Judge Sugar here says ‘it’s failed’. The Supreme Court Judge Sugar also says ‘it’s failed’. Felipe, you’re fired.”

Lord Sugar chose to save Katie for her “common sense” and Daniel for his “spirit”, but added that the latter has been given too many warnings.

“Daniel, you have got that spirit about you and you’ve shown me that you’ve learnt but four times here – how many more times can I give you a warning?” he said.

“You know I can get rid of people when I fancy – simply on the basis I think we’ve achieved something here with you in the last nine weeks, go back to the house.”

Team Summit were sent to Silverstone, the home of British motor-racing, to compete in race cars on their track in reward for winning this week’s challenge with a total spend of £644.97.

The Apprentice continues next Wednesday 10 December at 9pm on BBC One

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