Big Brother Australia criticised for airing moment contestant told her grandmother is dying

Housemate Jess received a call from her brother in the diary room

Isobel Lewis
Thursday 29 April 2021 05:23 EDT
Contestant learns her grandmother is dying in Big Brother diary room

Big Brother Australia has come under fire after a contestant was told her grandmother was dying of cancer on air.

During Wednesday (28 April) night’s episode of the reality TV show, housemate Jess Trend was in tears as she received a call from her brother while in the diary room.

“Hey Jess,” he told her. “We need to tell you that Nana isn’t doing too great. They found out that it was cancer, a tumour, and there’s not very long. She’s going to a better place. She gets to go hang out with Pa again.”

“Just tell her I love her, so much,” Trend responded, later returning to the diary room to say goodbye to her grandmother.

“Hey nanna,” she said. “You are just the most magical human and my heart is yours. I just want you to know that… my footy, and all that I do these days, it’s all for you.’

However, viewers at home criticised the show for airing the scenes and underscoring them with emotional music to turn them into a plotline on the show.

“100 per cent an invasion of privacy showing us Jess‘s grandma passing. Felt sick knowing they are exploiting this for views,” one Tweet read.

“This isn’t fair to be filming Jess during this phone call,” another commenter wrote, while another said the show was “sick for airing a truly personal moment on TV”.

One comment read: “Is this really worth showing on TV. It’s a private family matter BB...have some respect for Jess’s family and Nan.”

“Jess from Big Brother farewelling her nana is hitting way too close to home, the poor poor thing,” another social media user wrote.

“Jess shouldn’t have had to say goodbye to Nana on camera – some things are sacred,” one tweet read.

The Independent has contacted Endemol Shine Australia for comment.

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