A load of people called Frank Grimes had a Facebook group conversation about sharing the Simpsons character's name and a crazy anecdote came up

'What are the chances'

Christopher Hooton
Friday 13 November 2015 08:11 EST

Starting a group conversation with other people who share a famous name is a popular time-wasting trend on Facebook at the moment, but one that took place this week got particularly interesting.

User Frank Grimes set a thread up with other Frank Grimes from around the world simply to "get in on the meme" and find out their experiences of being named after Springfield's curmudgeonly power plant worker.

One of the Grimes had a pretty interesting anecdote to share however, as they worked as a security guard at the Church of Scientology in the 90s, of which Simpsons voice artist Nancy Cartwright is a member.

It's possible the respondent wasn't being truthful of course, but here's the exchange in full:

(via Frank Grimes/Imgur)

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