Those Eyes, That Mouth
If all Edinburgh's Grid Iron company did was to find odd performance spaces, you could write its work off as a gimmick. But that's not the case. For a gothic thriller it found a supposedly haunted cellar; for a teenage drama, a playground; and now, for a play about memories and loneliness, it's found a deserted town house.
Starring Cait Davis, with support from musician David Paul Jones, Those Eyes, That Mouth takes us through the bare-walled rooms of a Georgian flat, where we are privy to the neurotic mutterings of a spurned woman. The show's weakness is its elliptical script: it's hard to know if we're following the story of one woman or two (Davis changes costume from room to room). This blunts our emotional engagement with the piece - a shame, because Davis gives a superb performance, intense, driven and possessed. The director, Ben Harrison, treats the space with his customary subtle wit. But what's exciting about it is its feel of a one-off festival event; quirky, inventive and never to be repeated.
Venue 286, 5pm and 9pm (1hr 10mins) to 25 August, not tomorrow & 20 August (0131-226 0000)
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