THE OSCAR BOX / Ann Billson, Sunday Telegraph
Which was the most absurd Oscar ever awarded?
I think Driving Miss Daisy for Best Picture was a travesty. Dances With Wolves instead of Goodfellas the following year was absurd, too. I hated it that Anna Paquin won Best Supporting Actress for The Piano: I've nothing against the kid, but I do think that children of 10, or however old she was, shouldn't be allowed to win Oscars. I didn't really like her performance anyway; her Scottish accent was rather naff. Henry Fonda shouldn't have won Best Actor for On Golden Pond: there were many performances Fonda deserved it for, but the Academy has this wonderful habit of failing to give Oscars for really great performances and then apologetically slipping them out when the actor is dying.
And who was robbed?
Grace Kelly won for A Country Girl the same year that Judy Garland was up for A Star is Born, which Groucho Marks said was the greatest robbery since Brinks. I think it's a scandal this year that Morgan Freeman hasn't been nominated for Seven - presumably they think he had his token nomination last year for The Shawshank Redemption.
I also think it's absolutely outrageous that Cary Grant never got an Oscar. He got a sort of consolation career Oscar, towards the end of his career, but he is Hollywood's best-ever screen actor. The Academy always underestimate comedy, and that's what he did best.
Interview by Scott Hughes
The Oscar ceremony is on Mon dietary chefs who can look after patients, as well as chefs to cater for more everyday things like fund-raising functions."
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