SHOPPING:Six of the best photo albums
1The Conran Shop, pounds 46
Classic canvas-and-leather number with thick cream card and tissue dividers that looks more expensive than it is. Fits up to four photos per page. From a range at Conran, 81 Fulham Road, London SW3 or mail-order on 0171- 589 7401
2Boots, pounds 14.99
Small but jolly album, covered in checked raw silk and tied with a gold bow. Also comes in a mini version with matching frame (pounds 14.99 for both). Great as a present. From selected branches of Boots
3 Purves & Purves, pounds 45
Large green-suede photo album with cream card, tissue dividers and a leather tie. Kind of upmarket but trendy at the same time. From Purves & Purves, 81 Tottenham Court Road, London W1 (0171-580 8223 for mail-order)
4 Jane Churchill, pounds 16.95
The Sloaney fabric shop uses off-cuts to make delightful albums at reasonable prices. From Jane Churchill, 151 Sloane St, London SW1 (0171-730 9847) and branches in Cambridge and St Albans
5 Muji, pounds 14.45
For the chintz-free home, a plain-black ring-binder album with sticky- backed plastic inserts. From Muji, 26 Great Marlborough St, London W1 and outlets nationwide (call 0171-494 1197 for stockists and mail-order info)
6 City Organiser, pounds 79
Ideal for wedding photos, this is beautifully made in Florence, with a marbellised cover. From branches of City Organiser (0171-248 8326 for details) or Oxford Organiser (mail-order 01865 792327)
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