Net Gains: Scripts On-line
The Internet may be changing the way we do business, but sometimes it happens in ways we'd never really anticipated. This site, for example, was set up as a massive electronic reading pile, containing hundreds of screenplays for films, which the authors are hoping will be picked up by a Hollywood producer and turned into a movie sensation. The idea seems to be that a bored film producer will spot your screenplay while surfing the net and make your dreams come true. If nothing else, it gives an excellent insight into the world of Hollywood film production: it's probably a lot harder than it looks to actually spot the potential in any of these screenplays, and if you've ever fancied trying to write a script, it's reassuring to see how much dross is actually out there. It's also disturbingly easy to imagine that just about any of these films - even the ridiculously bad ones - could be produced, given a special effects budget and and a couple of B-list stars.
Back in the world of real cinema, if you're interested in keeping bang up to date with the movie world, you might also want to check out Empire magazine's revamped website ( which contains, amongst other things, a comprehensive cinema listing around the country as well as news and reviews of latest releases.
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