John Parry: London artist unveils video for summer single 'Love Drunk Punch'
Parry has a Jamie T crackle to his voice and a similar easy-going charm

John Parry is barely out of college but he's already impressing with a series of self-promoted shows and a slot on BBC Introducing.
He's got a Jamie T crackle to his voice and a similar easy-going charm, writing simple, catchy tunes that observe the small details that surround him.
Listen if you like: Jamie T, Mac DeMarco, The Cribs
We're premiering the video for Parry's summer single 'Love Drunk Punch' which sees him wandering round Amsterdam with his bandmates and getting up to the usual mischief - check it out and let us know what you think:
Q&A with John Parry
What are you listening to at the moment?
My music library, at the moment, is the most eclectic it's ever been. I'm listening to a lot of drum and bass at the minute and it's pushing my music into a more aggressive style, which is evident in Love Drunk Punch. It's not exactly 'Fabric' sounding but it's a gateway into a world of that similar to Ben Howard, Arctic Monkeys and The Streets. I think, personally, this is going to complement the more aggressive songs that come down the line in the future.
What are your plans for the summer at the moment?
I was hoping to play a couple of festivals but it's just not happening. It seems like being unsigned and not having a quirk and genuinely having a real story to tell doesn't get your foot in the door. I'm going to be busy with this release and I'm glad. It's doing my nut in not having anything to do because songs pile up and you can't vent it to a crowd of hot sweaty bodies. If this doesn't work out, I swear I'm gonna think of a quirk. Pearly King singer-songwriter, maybe? Reckon that would get me to Glasto next year?
What was the first gig you ever played, and what's been the best so far?
My first gig was at school. Me and my 'deep' band played Nirvana's Teen Spirit. We thought it would get us girls but hardly being able to play an F Chord didn't woo them for some reason. The best gig was a couple of months ago. I released an EP called Enough and I held a release party for it and it was awesome. It was in a shop in a market; everyone was off their faces and the crowd really made the atmosphere.
I had 'Love Drunk Punch' chanted back at me and it was honestly the best performance I have ever put in. I felt emotionally drained after it for a couple of days but I'm hoping to top that in the coming weeks. And again if it doesn't work out you're going to see a Pearly King singer-songwriter headline the main stage at Glasto next year.
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