LETTER: Fairer voting

Stephen G. Linstead
Monday 14 September 1998 18:02 EDT


Fairer voting

Sir: According to recent reports some of the trade unions affiliated to the Labour Party, together with the Conservative Party leadership, are preparing to oppose any move from the first-past-the-post system for elections to the House of Commons.

Exceptionally in a British context, it would appear that the electorate are actually going to be allowed a direct voice on the matter in a referendum. I hope that voters will take on board the fact that in electing their leaders and chief officers, the Conservative Party, the Labour Party and most trade unions have long abandoned plurality voting, and have substituted some system of second ballot, alternative vote or proportional representation. Clearly, for them, what is sauce for the goose is not sauce for the gander.


Solihull, West Midlands

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