Law: Win a scholarship to the College of Law

Wednesday 11 November 1998 19:02 EST

Write a 1,500-word essay about "Law beyond the Millennium" and you could win a place at the College of Law.

The competition run jointly by The Independent and the College of Law focuses on the importance of information technology to legal practice and the development of the law. The progress of information technology has already made a vast impact on the law. Judges are learning to master IT, laptop computers are commonplace in court. And clients, by using the Internet and other information sources such as CD-Rom can find the previously arcane world of legal precedent and learn more about the law.

These are a few of the changes that will affect the development of the legal process after the Millennium. How do you see them affecting the practice and development of the law during the next 20 to 30 years? Will the changes necessarily be for the better?

Entries should be sent to The Independent/The College of Law Essay Competition, The College of Law, Braboeuf Manor, St Catherines, Guildford, Surry GU3 1 HA.

For more information, contact the College's marketing department on 01483 460350. The deadline is 15 January 1999.

Previous winners are Abdul Hoq Mohammed who gained a contract at City law firm Trowers & Hamlins, and Janet Gray who is studying at the College of Law.

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