Heidi Klum's Halloween outfit is amazing

'Just little old me' the model tweeted

Felicity Morse
Friday 01 November 2013 05:42 EDT

Heidi Klum has outdone herself once again.

The glamorous model and presenter transformed herself into a little old lady for Halloween, with white candy floss hair and crinkled features.

The Queen of Halloween (remember her anatomical skin-stripped costume last year?) took her outfit seriously. Her long gazelle legs (insured for £1.5million) were painted with blue veins, and knees made crepey with old loose flesh. Crows feet were drawn around her eyes and her brows made to look furrowed with age.

The model, who had been retweeting Halloween outfits all day, posted the pictures with the humorous caption “little old me.” She then tweeted a picture of her granny self doing later on something looked suspiciously like twerking.

Klum (who in reality is only 40 years old) wore the outfit to the Svedka-sponsored fete in New York City.

Earlier this year she told Parade magazine “I take Halloween very seriously, so I'm not a fan of a thrown-together costume. Seriously, I'd rather stay home than go out in an uninspired costume.”

Click here for more pictures of Heidi in her costume.

Watch below video of Jonathan Ross' Halloween bash to which the supermodel attended

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