FOOD & DRINK / Daily bread: What the truck driver ate one day last week
I SLEPT in the cab and got up at 6.30am. I have a little cooker in the cab where I can make my early-morning cup of coffee. I always start the day with coffee. I have two sugars and, because there is nowhere to keep milk fresh, I use Coffeemate. I work as a freelance truck driver, and at the moment I'm delivering bulk powder cement in a tanker. I did my first delivery after coffee and came back at about 10 o'clock, by which time the company canteen had opened.
I make my own muesli at home, to last me for the week, which I keep in a plastic container. It contains things such as bran, Weetabix, cereal, raisins, fruit and nuts. I took a mugful of this from my cab and went to the canteen to get some cold milk. I also had a coffee.
After breakfast at about 10.30, I went on to my next delivery. I always take along a bottle of orange squash which I prepare every day and take a few swigs from it on the road. I do not like to drink too much because it is not always possible
to find a lavatory. I ate a banana when I felt hungry; I like to eat a banana and apple every day. I keep a small amount of food in my cab - basic items that will last a few days outside a fridge such as bread, margarine and tomatoes. I arrived back at about 1pm after the second delivery. While the lorry was being loaded I made lunch, which was a cheese and tomato sandwich on brown bread. I never have white bread.
I left for my third and final delivery at about 2pm. I ate an apple later in the afternoon and came back at about 6 o'clock. In the evening I used the cooking facilities - a little cooker at the works garage.
I must have plenty of fresh vegetables every day, which I am able to get from the supermarket close by. This evening I cooked carrots and onions with tuna fish. I am vegetarian but I will have a bit of fish sometimes.
I don't think I am a typical lorry driver. I don't eat in transport caffs because the food is too greasy, unhealthy and not fresh enough. I prefer to be thoroughly self-sufficient and eat good wholesome food. I had some more orange squash with my supper as I do not like hot drinks in the evening - and then, because I had an early start, I went to bed at 9pm.
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