Star Wars: The Force Awakens prequel comic may reveal identity of Rey's parents

The theory suggests that Rey's brother is a character we know very well 

Jacob Stolworthy
Thursday 26 May 2016 05:21 EDT

Stormtroopers, lightsabers and the identity of parentage are three of the most important aspects of any Star Wars film.

The Force Awakens was no different with the heritage of Daisy Ridley's character Rey remaining a mystery.

Several abounding theories since the film's December 2015 release have suggested that Rey's father is LukeSkywalker (Mark Hamill) while other people believe the character could be the child of Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Leia (Carrie Fisher) - which would make her the sister of the film's antagonist, Kylo Ren (Adam Driver).

However, a fresh theory has been posted on Reddit by user Beeslo - and this one carries some weight considering its source is an official Force Awakens prequel comic.

In the Star Wars universe, Marvel Comics' limited series Shattered Empire takes place after the Battle of Endor and introduces force trees (they're exactly what they sound).

The story sees Skywalker give one of the trees to his pilot, Shara Bey, who in turn plants it outside her home. The comic then reveals her young son's name: Poe Dameron.

This, of course, is the character played by Oscar Isaac in The Force Awakens (and the upcoming Episode VIII).

It's here where Beeslo begins to theorise. Luke wanted Shara Bey to plant the force tree with the intention of using it to form a Jedi training ground. His theory is that, after doing so, the Damerons went on to conceive Rey whose exposure to the tree explains the dormant force that lies within her.

Interestingly, Rey shares no screen time whatsoever with Dameron in Episode VII. Could this have been intentional in order to throw fans off the scent?

JJ Abrams slipped up earlier this year when talking at the Tribeca Film Festival seeming to confirm that Rey's parents didn't appear in The Force Awakens. He later clarified his comments, suggesting that he merely meant she didn't discover them in the film.

While it's unclear if the films will in any way echo the tie-in comic books, the reveal that Rey and Dameron are siblings could be quite a convincing one.

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