Batman Day: Vote for your favourite incarnation of the caped crusader here
It's the third official annual celebration of all things Batman

You probably didn't know but today is the third Batman Day, an annual celebration of DC Comics' caped crusader created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger - so what better time is there than to tell us who your favourite on-screen version of the character is?
While Lewis Wilson and Robert Lowery played early versions of the character in TV serials, it wasn't until 1966 that a film version presented itself with Adam West taking on the role.
Michael Keaton went on to play alter ego Bruce Wayne twice in Tim Burton films Batman (1989) and Batman Returns (1992).
Batman Forever starred Val Kilmer, while George Clooney donned the cape and cowl - albeit one with a more controversial design - in Joel Schumacher's critically-derided Batman and Robin (1997).
Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy - which began in 2005 with Batman Begins and culminated with The Dark Knight Rises in 2012 - was led by Christian Bale (we're not sure he'd vote for himself).
Only four years later and Ben Affleck is the current incarnation of the character - and has already clocked up two appearances in the space of one year: Batman v Superman and a cameo in Suicide Squad. He'll next appear in in DC mashup Justice League as well as his standalone film which Affleck himself will direct.
So, who's your favourite? Let the Bat battle commence.
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