Cambridge bus advertises Ridley Scott's new film LIAEN: Oven Can't

Christopher Hooton
Tuesday 25 April 2017 08:20 EDT

A bus is driving around the UK somewhere right now advertising a blockbuster that doesn't exist.

Chris Rogers spotted it proudly sporting the name 'LIAEN', along with its tag-line 'OVEN CANT'.

Initially, I thought it was some kind of illusion and the letters realign depending on your viewing angle, but no, it seems the decorator did just slap up the poster segments in that order and consider the job a good 'un.

Ironically, the screw up will probably make more people aware of Alien: Covenant than a correctly assembled advert would have.

It's just a shame we'll never get to see the movie it displays, a millennial drama about an oven that Can't. Even.

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