Star Wars 8: The Last Jedi's trailer is almost definitely misleading you
'This is not going to go the way you think'
Leia's death at the hands of Kylo Ren? His conversion to the Light Side, with the aid of Rey?
All fairly sound, logical theories to be whittled out of the latest Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer dropped before our eyes; one which seemed to say so much, and so little at the very same time.
One word of warning, however: Star Wars has misled us before, and it's almost certainly misleading us again. Whatever may seem like a spoiler, may actually be mere illusion.
The suggestion Kylo Ren will pull the trigger on his own mother? It's certainly plausible, but there's a problem: Kathleen Kennedy already suggested that, if Carrie Fisher hadn't passed away, Leia would have been the major focus of Star Wars: Episode IX.
Fisher's tragic death has, of course, meant Leia's storyline has been rewritten in Episode IX to give her character a sense of closure. But, at the same time, director Rian Johnson stated The Last Jedi hasn't been altered in any way to write Leia out of the picture. Unless someone's bluffing, those two statements don't quite work unless Leia makes it out of The Last Jedi alive.
And the trailer's final moments, which see Rey stating, "I need someone to show me my place in all this", before Kylo Ren stretching his hand out? They're two different scenes: the soft lighting and echo in Rey's voice hint she's in a cave or something similar, while Kylo Ren is standing in front of pure destruction.
That doesn't mean something similar won't happen, but it's worth noting Star Wars trailers do have a habit of deliberately leading fans astray. Remember when The Force Awakens trailer ended with Finn brandishing the lightsaber, suggesting he was a Jedi? Conveniently hiding away that Rey was its new owner?
Or how about when the Rogue One trailer showed Jyn Erso stumbling across the Scarif platform toward a TIE fighter, only for that same shot to appear in the final cut with no TIE fighter in view? Only for Gareth Edwards to then admit it was created specifically for the trailer?
"When I found you, I saw raw, untamed power. And beyond that, something truly special," Snoke's tones bellow; considering a shot near the end confirms that Snoke and Rey meet, and "fulfil your destiny" seems to be taken from that scene in question, it's up in the air whether Snoke's focus here is on Kylo Ren or Rey.
Those words are particularly curious when contrasted with what Luke says: "I've seen this raw strength only once before. It didn't scare me enough then, it does now." A regret over his training of Kylo Ren, and his student's subsequent betrayal - it's clear The Last Jedi is building the dualism of Rey/Kylo Ren, but it seems like the film's hiding a major twist up its sleeve here.
If that doesn't convince you, just listen to Luke Skywalker himself: "This is not going go the way you think."
Star Wars: The Last Jedi hits UK cinemas 14 December.
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