My Fantasy Band: Tony Allen, Drummer
Vocals: Salif Keita and Oumou Sangare
Salif has a searing vocal. Oumou, "the Songbird of Wassoulou", is the queen of African singers. Her voice sends shivers down your spine.
Guitar: George Benson
Although people think of George as a singer, no other guitarist can match his dazzling ingenious licks.
Sax: Wayne Shorter
One of the most important jazz musicians of all time. He takes music beyond all expectation.
Keys: Joe Zawinul
He was the man with magic fingers. He was just awe-inspiring.
Bass: Bootsy Collins
He's been responsible for the most stunning live funk shows ever. But it's not just about the sound: His personality, and his star sunglasses, make for a great show.
Trumpet: Don Cherry
If you've seen him play the pocket trumpet with one hand while playing the piano, you'll understand where I'm coming from.
Drums: Tony Allen
With a line up like that, I wouldn't miss the opportunity to be involved.
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