Portfolio: Patrick Lindblom


Adam Jacques
Saturday 17 March 2012 21:00 EDT
(Patrick Lindblom)

Zooey Deschanel, Emma Watson, Eva Mendes... Flick through the average fashion magazine and it's hard to miss the industry's yen for using film stars in advertising.

"Everything is about celebrities today," agrees Swedish fashion photographer Patrick Lindblom, who, since graduating from the London College of Fashion in 2009, has worked on a catalogue of glossy fashion shoots – as well as behind-the-scenes photo-documentaries at events such as London Fashion Week. "But ultimately, fashion photography is about selling products – which is why I prefer to work with models, and see them on the covers, rather than film stars."

It is a preference borne out by a project Lindblom shot for an Italian publication, pictured right: beyond their silhouettes, the models themselves are barely visible, their faces bleached out by flash, their eyes covered by wide-brimmed hats – making the focus of the image the blue Laura Biagiotti poncho [left] and Lacoste jumpsuit and cape. As the photographer himself concludes: "There's no identity to them; they are like mannequins. Models make it more about the clothes they're wearing."

For more: patricklindblom.com

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