Leading article: Global warming and the need for all of us to act now to avoid catastrophe00:00
Leeds 18 Newcastle 18: Burke the late fall-guy in bore draw13:21
Blair: UK will only pay fair share of EU costs09:23
Starsailor, Brixton Academy. London <!-- none onestar twostar fourstar fivestar -->09:23
We Are Scientists, King's College London, London <!-- none onestar twostar threestar fivestar -->09:23
Preview: Billy Budd, Coliseum, London09:23
Edward Scissorhands, Sadler's Wells, London <!-- none onestar twostar threestar fourstar fivestar -->09:23
Skampa Quartet / Bittova, Wigmore Hall, London <!-- none onestar twostar threestar fivestar -->08:34
Big cash boost for stem cell research06:55
Australian executed in Singapore00:37
Black granted $20m bail after pleading not guilty to fraud00:36
Pentagon urged to explain 'planted' Iraqi news reports00:00
Millet, Jean-Fran&ccedil;ois: The Gust of Wind (1871)00:00
Yousuf and Kamran pile on the misery00:00
Uefa's rule change gives SPL winners &#163;10m bonus00:00
Saints vent fury at bid for Redknapp00:00
Sailing: Fairy-tale ending for buoyant Sanderson00:00
Robinson hopes for lull in row over players00:00
Pratt forced to retire at 25 because of shoulder injury00:00
Racing: Dobbin delight as rain arrives for Lord Transcend00:00
Book links Mafia and plot against Castro to JFK killing00:00
'Wildlife Interpol' launched to aid endangered species00:00
UN seeks aid boost from oil-rich nations00:00
Two glasses of wine a day may not be good for heart00:00
Whitby fleet fined &#163;122,800 for defying North Sea quotas00:00
Britain's first theatre for children opens - but without the chocolate floor00:00
Sharon 'sees wall as Israel's new border'00:00
Shops fear the worst Christmas for 22 years00:00
Fletcher writes off chances of saving series in Pakistan00:00
The seance that came back to haunt Romano Prodi00:00
Elizabeth Wilmshurst: It is time for Britain to come clean on its part in rendition00:00
Wark gets &#163;1m from sale of TV production firm00:00
Suzanne Rozsa00:00
Vodafone caught by &#8364;534m mobile fine00:00
Sex-traffic gang jailed for 63 years00:00
When the Prince of Wales met the prince of wails00:00
Man accused of financier's death reveals drug habit00:00
The Sketch: Why are we here? MPs come to terms with their meaningless lives00:00
Parks' predecessor to get her civil rights recognition at last00:00
Sensitive souls of rock 'n' roll show their strength with album prize00:00
Trinity Mirror to axe 750 as slump in advertising starts to bite00:00
Rising internet addiction 'on par with drug use'00:00
Francis Maude: 'Reform does not need to depend on one party alone'00:00
Steve Richards: David Cameron has style, but does he have the policies to return the Tories to power?00:00
Australian goes to Singapore gallows for smuggling '26,000 doses' of heroin00:00
Ludwig and Rabbie: A partnership that ended in tears00:00
Turner attacks Treasury over pension 'porkies'00:00
League blocks Cole's court bid to clear name00:00
Face values: now Hockney makes an exhibition of himself and family00:00
Finance experts to rescue struggling hospitals00:00
Shire hyperactivity drug 'too dangerous to be sold'00:00
The Third Leader: A safe bet00:00
Bethan Marshall: Learning requires common sense, not just phonics00:00
More women murdered in Mexican city 'killing spree'00:00
Reform of R&amp;D tax credit to be unveiled00:00
Hormone injection key to fighting obesity00:00
Crab Nebula captured by Hubble00:00
Abolition of betting tax fuels boom in gambling00:00
Denis Lindsay00:00
Pru buys minority Egg stake for &#163;214m00:00
Korean fishermen deaf to the plight of the albatross00:00
Fossil discovery supports theory that birds are living dinosaurs00:00
Profits increase across all HSBC divisions00:00
Letters: Carbon budgeting00:00
Leading article: A teaching method that works00:00
Ken Jones: Jokes lost in modern sport's chase for money and glory00:00
Financier who stole &#163;55m from taxman gets 12 years in jail00:00
Kelly tears up schools' reading policy and backs phonics approach00:00
Edward the Confessor's original grave discovered00:00
Jeremy Warner's Outlook: Cult of equity begins the long march back to favour, but for many it is already too late00:00
Egyptian police fire on opposition voters00:00
Old Mutual's Skandia acceptance level is cut00:00
Simon Jones: 'It's not nice watching others trying to take my place'00:00
Boy hailed as a modern Buddha 'has been fasting for six months'00:00
Residents of Prince Charles's model village stop development00:00
Ignoring ministers is secret of a primary school's success00:00
Leading article: Britain and Europe must stand by their principles00:00
Divers face prison over claims they pillaged wreck of Spanish galleon00:00
Miles Kington: The exotic allure of verbal bric-a-brac00:00
Market Report: Pre-Christmas bid rumours sweep the City00:00
Labour donor looks to unlock dormant &#163;2.5bn00:00
Flawless Clarke sets pace00:00
Girl next door who became a suicide bomber00:00
Joan Smith: Men, misogyny and the sex trade00:00
Bolton unveils sculpture of 900 sports stars, but it doesn't like the cold00:00
The longest day: 456 balls, 337 minutes, 261 runs... and 1 wicket00:00
The Investment Column: Book a ticket for the long haul as easyJet starts to cut costs00:00
East Ender the big star in south coast saga that always scores with viewers00:00
Ex-container shipping boss to take helm at United Utilities00:00
Bruce Hobbs00:00
Racist 'thugs' who murdered teenager given life sentences00:00
Bordeaux boycott looms as growers protest over prices00:00
Christmas Books Special: Fiction reviewed00:00
Thomas Sutcliffe: Gate theatrics too close for comfort00:00
Tracey Emin: My Life in a Column00:00
Album: Girls Aloud <!-- none onestar twostar threestar fourstar fivestar -->00:00
Christmas Books Special: Autobiographies reviewed00:00
How Punch fought its way back to number one place in the beerage00:00
John Gower00:00
The Independent's contributors select the works that they most enjoyed and admired this year00:00
Where the Truth Lies (18) <!-- none onestar twostar threestar fourstar fivestar -->00:00
Christmas Books Special: Self-Help books reviewed00:00
Album: Belle and Sebastian <!-- none onestar twostar threestar fourstar fivestar -->00:00
Algerian linked to terror is extradited00:00
The rebirth of John Peel's pioneering record label00:00
King Kong: It's a monster00:00
Christmas Books Special: Reference books reviewed00:00
Keeping Mum (15)<br/>Tickets (15)<br/>Lower City (18)<br/>Doom (15)00:00
Christmas Books Special: Music books reviewed00:00
South African court clears way for gay marriage00:00
Cover Stories: William Hague; Penguin departures; W H Smith00:00
Johnathan Rice: Why the singer-songwriter nearly joined the CIA00:00
Album: Halloween, Alaska <!-- none onestar twostar threestar fourstar fivestar -->00:00
Christmas Books Special: Performing arts books reviewed00:00
Kate Bush's top 10 world music tracks00:00
Christmas Books Special: Food books reviewed00:00
Christmas Books Special: Nature &amp; environment books reviewed00:00
Christmas Books Special: Photography books reviewed00:00
The websites that aim to track down your kind of music00:00
Blair faces allegations of complicity in torture00:00
Andrew Adamson: The man bringing Narnia to the big screen00:00
Christmas Books Special: History books reviewed00:00
Bodyguard vows to convict Kuchma00:00
Album: Various artists00:00
Christmas Books Special: Sport books reviewed00:00
Album: Jim Noir <!-- none onestar twostar threestar fourstar fivestar -->00:00
Who is David Cameron?00:00
Capote: Full of the write stuff00:00
Album: Aidan Smith <!-- none onestar twostar threestar fourstar fivestar -->00:00
Gamers queue for release of new Xbox00:00
Christmas Books Special: Poetry reviewed00:00
Christmas Books Special: Art books reviewed00:00
Ballack offered to Chelsea00:00
ECB hints that rates rise will not be the first of many00:00
Boxing: Box-offs loom for England places00:00
Terence Blacker: The potency of belonging00:00
MFI chief keeps option open of splitting off Howden joinery arm00:00
Council tax to increase by double the rate of inflation00:00
France hangs on to its CAP subsidies as Blair caves in over EU rebate