It's a guy thing00:00
Teddy to mark 'Titanic' loss sells for £91,00000:00
Norm the slob: role model for a sporting nation00:00
Pressure leads to chemical changes, then breakdown00:00
House prices rise as confidence returns00:00
Rising to the occasion00:00
Rise in weights favours Swinger00:00
Strike it rich00:00
Time to let television technology take over00:00
When art is a feast for the taste buds00:00
Michael Portillo: How I will cut public spending to provide money for lower taxes00:00
The wise scientist listens to public opinion00:00
Gene clue to vaccine against leukaemia00:00
Police kill eight in West Papua separatist violence00:00
Today's markets00:00
'Classic' rock cellists go heavy on the strings00:00
Teenagers stab boy in street after stealing his phone00:00
British soldiers charged over killing of Albanians00:00
B&B flotation starts at bottom end of hopes00:00
Maureen Freely: Yes, we can beat the school bullies00:00
Saracens' errors exploited by Saints00:00
Lastminute.com 'on its way to profitability'00:00
First census of rough sleepers in homeless Bill00:00
Eritrea and Ethiopia to sign formal peace deal00:00
CFC ban 'should close up hole in ozone layer'00:00
Transport crisis may put dot.coms on line for Christmas boost