Police kill eight in West Papua separatist violence00:00
Gene clue to vaccine against leukaemia00:00
Today's markets00:00
'Classic' rock cellists go heavy on the strings00:00
Teenagers stab boy in street after stealing his phone00:00
British soldiers charged over killing of Albanians00:00
B&B flotation starts at bottom end of hopes00:00
Lastminute.com 'on its way to profitability'00:00
First census of rough sleepers in homeless Bill00:00
Eritrea and Ethiopia to sign formal peace deal00:00
CFC ban 'should close up hole in ozone layer'00:00
Transport crisis may put dot.coms on line for Christmas boost00:00
Saracens' errors exploited by Saints00:00
Maureen Freely: Yes, we can beat the school bullies00:00
Genetic warfare is declared on Australia's dread cane toad00:00
Sea eagle is back from the dead00:00
Helsinki's winter wonderland00:00
Rana rerun and all that Gatt00:00
Army to ban walkers and farmers from Pennine range00:00
Slow train coming from the States to the steppes00:00
Staff exodus at tech investor00:00
New crackdown on illegal immigrants by P&O00:00
£12bn is a price we must pay to put right Tory blunders00:00
Seen the film? Visit the 'screen site'00:00
Hi-tech on the high wire00:00
The light touches that link Venice Beach to la Serenissima00:00
The right to roam is an epic victory00:00
She's coming round the mountain00:00
Bookie bets on modern punters00:00
Catherine Pepinster: 'We can have a choice about dying - but not the Dutch way'00:00
Pressure on MPs to back genetic research00:00
Raids are launched on radio pirates00:00
Christmas rail misery for travellers00:00
Hotel of the Week: Hotel du Vin00:00
Malaysia profits from boom in short-stay long-haul tourism00:00
The age of the train - abroad, anyway00:00
Read a bedtime story - it's good for the economy00:00
Russia's booming arms sales 'a con'00:00
Multi-million tax breaks persuaded Cazenove to float00:00
John Prescott: Small need not be beautiful - or effective00:00
Meanwhile, on the internet...00:00
Stagecoach found guilty of bus war dirty tricks00:00
Keep taking the kiwi fruit: doctors put fruit and veg on prescription