Rugby Union round-up: Hull on high00:02
Cricket: Last chance for an enigma: Derek Pringle tries to unravel the puzzle of an unfulfilled talent00:02
Letter: Rural drugs00:02
ARTS / Cries & Whispers00:02
The Art of Theatre: 19 Pauses: NICHOLAS WRIGHT'S MASTERCLASS00:02
Rugby League: The crusade moves on again00:02
Disney pressed to take over theme park hotels00:02
ART / Still reckless after all these years: In 1960, Anthony Caro's 'breakthrough' revolutionised sculpture. Three decades on, his innovations haven't ceased, as two new shows illustrate00:02
Investment trusts lead the pack00:02
Pension dispute as MIN floats00:02
Ageing whisky: Scotch on the rocks could take on a new meaning if sales in its traditional markets continue to slide. David Bowen finds the glens fighting to win over the young00:02
Football: City fail to tame monster00:02
Quotes of the Week00:02
Why I'm a bleeding-heart drippy pinko pansy00:02
Another bit of reality00:02
Rugby Union: Rodber lords it over Quins00:02
Golf: Under-par Lane keeps show on the road00:02
What the papers said about. . .Ray Illingworth00:02
Hockey: English women in need of finishing school00:02
GARDENING / Lost in the concrete jungle: Large, gracious trees were once the glory of Britain's cities. Today, as these photographs reveal, even little ornamentals are finding growing hard going. Helen Chappell reports00:02
Football: Toshack's split-level confusion: Peter Corrigan talks to the manager under fire for a foreign approach00:02
Rugby League: Wigan on Wembley way again00:02
Latin America all set for strong growth: Three new trusts offer investment in the region00:02
THEATRE / The Comedy of Connection: British playwriting has been in decline for years. Irving Wardle argues that a renaissance is due00:02
Trust chief goes00:02
Punters must be left to suffer in private00:02
Con victims could lose their home00:02
Dublin refuses to pressure IRA00:02
Defence battles rage in the US: Larry Black looks at the shake-out in the weapons industry as contractors scramble for merger partners00:02
Gain to Soros inner circle: Fund partners increase holdings by dollars 52m00:02
Tolerating the intolerant: John Whale on why the Church of England likes to say yes00:02
Football: Gower's glory on main stage: Meanwhile back at Wembley, the star turns of tomorrow taste the international spotlight00:02
Flat Earth: Irish myths00:02
I see, said the blind man: Modern economists understand the world about as well as scientists in the Middle Ages, says Paul Ormerod00:02
Football Round-up: Bait for Wolves00:02
SHOW PEOPLE / A heart and soul sister: ANNIE ROSS00:02
FOOD & DRINK / A dash of fish sauce: Rick Stein, leading seafood chef, made a nerve-racking journey to prepare dinner. Michael Bateman recounts how he brought the meurette from Padstow to Pall Mall00:02
Leader of Afrikaner alliance resigns00:02
Boxing: Hide seeks big payday: Jonathan Rendall weighs up prospects for Saturday's world title fight at Millwall00:02
TRAVEL / Sunshine and shadows in the Balkans: James Pettifer went to write a book about the new Albania00:02
After the talk of war, death among strangers00:02
Letter: Corruption is not the norm00:02
ARTS / Overheard00:02
Letter: Secrets can be worse than lies00:02
Lloyd's threatens Names over debts: Nearly 2,500 individuals who have not met liabilities to policy-holders are being threatened with legal action by the insurance market00:02
Asda turns price screw00:02
How the Fuhrer knew Lloyd George00:02
HEALTH / Second opinion00:02
Ex-MP linked to union cash inquiry00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Fundamentally unholy wars: 'Bosnia: A Short History' - Noel Malcolm, Macmillan: 17.5000:02
Flat Earth: Maths test with street cred00:02
TRAVEL / Spring fever starts here: For new and seasoned skiers alike, March and April are the best, and cheapest, months to take to the slopes. Doug Sager reports00:02
April fools for 1.60 pounds00:02
Letter: New roads are only a small part of Europe's transport plans00:02
Elf paves way for sale of its Enterprise stake00:02
Racing: Beaumont to shout the odds: Sue Montgomery gives her selections as the Cheltenham Festival beckons00:02
Rugby Union: Tigerish Richards burns bright again00:02
IN THE FRAME / Joseph Cornell: Theatre of the Mind00:02
Bunhill: Wary of warehouse clubs00:02
Reward hope00:02
Maggie movie puts world TV in her bag00:02
BOOK REVIEW / A to Z of Victorian values: 'All there is to know: A Selection from the 11th Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica' - ed Alexander Coleman & Charles Simmons: Deutsch, 20 pounds00:02
D-Day was for the liberty of all: the Germans should be there too00:02
Leading Article: Banged up for watching telly00:02
N Korean loggers flee Russian 'slave' camps00:02
Waldegrave: too clever for his own good?00:02
Wales awaits poetic justice: David Lister on the film of a writer's life up for an Oscar00:02
Football: Le Tissier's touch00:02
Father charged with family murders00:02
Courts 'show sexual and racial bias'00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Process of being a poet: 'Dolphins' - Stephen Spender: Faber, 12.99/ 5.9900:02
Li vents wrath on Christopher: Human rights rift deepens between China and US00:02
Mortars from the men sticking to the bunker: Have the Heathrow attacks killed off any hope of peace? Or is there a battle going on within the IRA's upper ranks? David McKittrick reports00:02
Insurers act on defaulters00:02
Rugby union: Wasps whistle in the dark: Courage League: Callard profits as Bath struggle on towards the title but Leicester take flight in pursuit00:02
Innovation: Model towns00:02
Bunhill: Oh Susannah00:02
Football: Platt's command performance: Norman Fox studies the tactical success of a team imbued with a sense of perspective00:02
MBAs that fill the bill00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Of earthly delights: 'Paradise' - Abdulrazak Gurnah: Hamish Hamilton, 14.9900:02
Clintons flailing in Whitewater flood: First Lady drops out of sight as allegations of document-shredding and obstruction of justice turn a scandal into a crisis00:02
Racing: Boy keeps it00:02
The testament of Mrs Crippen: Rear Window: Buried bodies00:02
DANCE / Fired by flamenco00:02
Public Services Management: Change more than cosmetic under DTI's regional bosses: North-east director with Newcastle roots targets job creation and investment as local priorities00:02
The lionising of Leakey: Wildlife boss wins battle, but war goes on00:02
Letter: Compost on the curriculum00:02
MOTORING / A busman's method: Robert De Niro learnt to drive a bus for his latest movie. Matthew Gwyther observes the technique of the rookies of north London00:02
Customer Relations: Toddlers drawn into stores war: Supermarket chains now realise that keeping parents happy, with creches for example, can pay dividends00:02
City & Business: Taylor needs to watch his back at Barclays00:02
Bunhill: Hotel to high rollers00:02
Fishing Lines: Partners who refuse to bite00:02
Life in the rubble of a pyramid: Tom Peters On excellence00:02
Quangowatch: No 5: The Welsh Development Agency00:02
Design Dinosaurs / 7: The enamel mug00:02
Accents is awright00:02
Rugby Union: Adventure is central issue: Simon O'Hagan talks to Jeremy Guscott, whose injury has deprived England of artistry00:02
BOOKS / In the lists00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Out of the freezer: 'The Man in the Ice' - Konrad Spindler, trs Ewald Osers: Weidenfeld, 18.9900:02
The Independent on Sunday bestseller list00:02
Courts jail 845 for not paying TV licence fines00:02
BOOKS / And a very good fang too: A wave of Gothic fiction is enfolding the US and Britain in its cloak, bringing vampires in vanloads. Poppy Z Brite is a priestess of the cult00:02
WPA to publish its fees for specialists00:02
Letter: New roads are only a small part of Europe's transport plans00:02
Captain Moonlight: Exposed - but very tastefully00:02
Hunt clash00:02
Almanack: Hype, glory and Towering ambition00:02
TRAVEL / Riders on the dry slopes: Two feet, one snowboard, no experience. Hester Lacey prepares for the piste00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Manhattan mystery tour: 'Death of a Fantasist' - Simon Mason: Constable, 14.9900:02
Best and worst: Safer ride for offshore cash - UK Equity Offshore Funds00:02
Letter: Violent end of an Irish pacifist00:02
Athletics: Golden double for Jackson00:02
Words: Lie00:02
Mobile phone deal00:02
Invalid fights for pension00:02
Gunmen free 900 from Algerian jail00:02
BOOKS / Paperbacks00:02
Innovation: Bashing pollutants00:02
FOOD & DRINK / Grapevine: Kathryn McWhirter on this week's best buys00:02
Coding barrier lets hackers browse00:02
'Send down your Holy Spirit upon your servant Angela': History is made as the Church of England ordains its first women priests00:02
Tennis: Petchey puts Agassi under pressure00:02
Leading Article: If the job's worth doing00:02
COMEDY / Jim's vehicle's a rotten pumpkin00:02
Today's papers00:02
Christians killed00:02
THEATRE / Meltdown in Battersea00:02
City File: Beazer should build profits00:02
'Paradise' islands unite against sea level threat: Alarm over global warming00:02
Football: White's reward00:02
Captain Moonlight: Tabloid highlights00:02
How We Met: Claire Bloom and Nicholas Snowman00:02
Chocs lovers lose out00:02
The List00:02
Captain Moonlight: The song and dance man00:02
Economics: Europe leaving its jobless to languish00:02
Letter: Forest striker00:02
What's a clever lawyer doing with such a dumb man?00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Where wonders never cease: 'The Miracle-Worker' - Carmen Boullosa, trs Amanda Hopkinson: Cape, 9.9900:02
Millions set for rail merry-go-round00:02
Captain Moonlight: Misconceptions00:02
Captain Moonlight: Spies of the old school00:02
Recovery: North-east leads export charge: Ships in bottles and flasks for bulls' semen are helping to replace traditional industry00:02
Flat Earth: Punctured affair00:02
Heseltine won't fight the PM00:02
ETCETERA / Chess00:02
Innovation: Smile a minute00:02
ETCETERA / Home thoughts00:02
Rugby Union: Davies plots his revenge: Richard Williams hears how the Welsh coach plans to outmanoeuvre England00:02
Golf: Water torture for Faldo00:02
Paraglider pair die in plunge00:02
Snooker: Wattana sparks of celebrations00:02
ROCK / Only the lonely00:02
Do I not like that . . .: The union of fat cats: In the first of a new series on pet hates, scriptwriter Stan Hey rails against the City slickers who have taken over Twickers00:02
Cycling: Hills and spills as Montoya takes over00:02
Letter: Scargill's struggle continues00:02
PHOTOGRAPHY / How flattery got Annie everywhere: Annie Leibovitz has easier access to the famous than any other photographer. That's the problem, says Giles Smith00:02
Football: United cruise00:02
Employee shares find ready takers00:02
Homeowners gain from VAT shift on charges00:02
Letter: Secrets can be worse than lies00:02
Innovation: Feeling the heat00:02
Stabbing charge00:02
Joint Bosnian army00:02
Profile: Golden boy of chasing: Sue Montgomery assesses the qualities of the champion horse favoured to retain his crown: Jodami00:02
Squash: Marshall forced to surrender title00:02
Football: Brown keeps Rangers rolling: Scottish Cup00:02
Letter: How the fat cats get the cream00:02
Medway dockers set to sue00:02
Rugby Union: A game in the grip ofthe grand obsession: Five Nations decider: England's belief that virtue comes from victory may see a successful end to Cooke's reign and slam the door on a Welsh dream00:02
Cricket: Lewis doubt for Test00:02
Morrison denies Asda merger00:02
Innovation: Virtual reality keeps feet on the ground: Group plans to use 3-D software to solve factory snags around the world and enhance co-operative working00:02
Communications: Companies get the message of electronic mail: Traffic builds on information highway00:02
Football: A sharp man at the cutting edge: As England enter the age of the coach, Terry Venables reveals his practical side. Ian Ridley reports00:02
Bunhill: Where's Bland?00:02
Letter: First with family dining00:02
Not afraid to tackle the great moral questions: The Agreeable World of Wallace Arnold00:02
Football: Newcastle put on an exhibition00:02
FILM / Crashing about in Wayne's joyless world00:02
This boy was brain-damaged - at his childminder's: Simon Hewitt was seriously injured - 'non-accidentally'. Why has no one been prosecuted? Suzanne Glass reports00:02
Pensions ad 'naive'00:02
Labour change00:02
Mortar attack may hit Forte00:02
Unfriendly view of health care: A friendly society terminated Janet Purry's medical cover after she had made claims. Caroline Merrell investigates00:02
Innovation: Trees that can draw out the poison: Planting may prove to be the best way of cleaning up polluted land. Nuala Moran reports00:02
Dirty Dogs Campaign: How to teach an old dog new tricks: Even adult dogs can be retrained not to foul in unsociable places, reports Rosanna de Lisle00:02
Sport on TV / Misty-eyed, and tongue-twisting the night away00:02
A Moscow policeman displays his new bullet-proof helmet with face- guard, 9mm pistol and 23mm shotgun00:02
Sophia's jewels00:02
Bunhill: Globe resists unkind world00:02
As others see us00:02
Flat Earth: Killing cure00:02
Letter: Liquor louts00:02
Q & A: The phantom goalscorer tells all00:02
No hobbies or interests: Where is the new generation of modelmakers and coin collectors? Traditional British pastimes are under threat, says Helen Fielding00:02
Football: on the move00:02
It's the Green House00:02
The man with the golden pen: Lawrence Kasdan00:02
Football: Bosnich blunder00:02
More darkness at Lloyd's00:02
Football: Bolton sunk00:02
Profile: Don't mention the Raj: India's PM has a canny habit of coming out on top, despite his critics, writes Michael Fathers: Narasimha Rao00:02
This man was crippled by crime, now they would give him just pounds 7,50000:02
Leaseholders fail with court claim of no service, no fee: Court rules a landlord is not obliged to provide upkeep if it is not specified in contract00:02
Britain out of step at G7 jobs summit00:02
Sniffers quit glue for more lethal solvents00:02
Almanack: Horton quote00:02
Drug audit overlooks real waste: The new report on the NHS pharmaceutical bill lost its way in the minutiae, writes Helen Kay00:02
How much does he earn?: No 21: Dr John Burton, coroner for West London00:02
Long Runners / No 22: This Morning00:02
Opinions: Does your job involve telling lies?00:02
York on ads No 19: Today00:02
Philips squares up to competitors: The Dutch electronics firm, fighting fit after a painful restructuring, is switched on for growth00:02
INTERIORS / Social history's bottom line: Small or big, soft or hard, a sofa is for life - and choosing the right one can present a few problems00:02
TELEVISION / Epitaphs to a living hell00:02
My Biggest Mistake: Andrew Marler00:02
BOOK REVIEW / The lost in translation: 'Hell' - Dante Alighieri, trs Steve Ellis: Chatto 14.9900:02
Letter: Distressing apathy over Timor00:02
TRIED & TESTED / Safe and sound: Baby monitors promise peace of mind to all anxious parents. Our expert panel investigates the claims00:02
ETCETERA / Angst: Expert advice on your problems00:02
Profile: From pop writer to paper millionaire: Christopher Oakley00:02
EATING OUT / Attracting the carriage trade: British Rail dining car, London to Bristol00:02
MUSIC / Beauty, serenity, anything more?00:02
NHS pledge watered down00:02
Bunhill: Plastic prohibited00:02
Letter: Malay medal00:02
Tibet seeks liberty: one of the London protesters marking the 35th anniversary of the uprising against Chinese occupation00:02
Letter: New roads are only a small part of Europe's transport plans00:02
Whitehall secret murder revealed00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Strange case of a museum man: 'Richard Owen: Victorian Naturalist' - Nicolaas A Rupke: Yale, 35 pounds00:02
Political Commentary: Few crumbs for Major from the rich men's tabloids00:02
Sailing: Smith sees advantage melt away00:02
Travel notes00:02
How the volk myth died: It took just a few minutes to change the course of South African history. John Carlin reports from Mafikeng00:02
Rugby Union: Second string in first-class form: Clem Thomas finds further cause for optimism as Wales A avenge the senior side's defeat by Canada