Joe Vesey-Byrne
Jul 19, 2017

Fox News Insider/Screenshot
The Trump 2020 campaign might have a new slogan, or at least it will eventually.
The US Senate has failed to create a replacement for the Affordable Care Act [ACA], which they intend to repeal next week.
This is despite the fact that opponents of ACA appear to have lost the votes they need to repeal it.
One of President Donald Trump's regular campaign themes was bashing the act also known as 'Obamacare', the health insurance system created under his predecessor Barack Obama.
Covering the collapse of 'Trumpcare' in Congress, Fox News quoted a few of the presidents remarks on screen.
Picture: Fox News Insider/Screenshot.
Speaking at the White House on Tuesday the President responded to questions from reporters saying:
So we’ll see what happens. There’s some other things going on right now as we speak, but I am disappointed because, for so many years, I’ve been hearing repeal and replace. I’m sitting in the Oval Office, right next door, pen in hand, waiting to sign something, and I’ll be waiting. And eventually we’re going to get something done, and it’s going to be very good.
Naturally the quote at the bottom of the screen, which looks like the world's most realistic campaign slogan, has inspired derision.
The pledge for 'eventually' shows the dramatic difference between campaigning and governing.
In the same media appearance the President remarked that they should 'let Obamacare fail', and proposed a fresh bill.
He echoed this on Twitter.
HT The Hill, Fox Insider
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