We can only observe helplessly as the Tory leadership race gets under way

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Sunday 10 July 2022 14:59 BST
We the public will play the role of onlookers as every mediocrity to grace the government’s benches decides that now is the time to have a go
We the public will play the role of onlookers as every mediocrity to grace the government’s benches decides that now is the time to have a go (AP)

What an unedifying spectacle, the Conservative Party convulsing itself into knots trying to be all things to all people. Each successive PM hopeful enters the race, setting out a stall full of contradictions. Trying to demonstrate “integrity” without being disloyal, trying to associate themselves with the so-called successes of recent years while proclaiming a fresh start.

Nick Eastwell is right, any of them who supported Johnson through his long list of scandals and misdeeds should be disqualified from standing. Guilty by association. How many times can you give someone the “benefit of the doubt” without taking it upon yourself to check and not just rely on assurances from people whose careers depend on propping him up?

The problem is that this leaves a very thin field. Anyone with the necessary integrity, experience and ability was purged in 2019.

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