We don’t need more austerity – we need the rich to pay their share

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Sunday 13 November 2022 15:58 GMT
How about we close the non-dom tax dodge loophole instead? Or close the offshore tax havens?
How about we close the non-dom tax dodge loophole instead? Or close the offshore tax havens? (PA)

Why does the discussion around the “fiscal black hole” in the UK’s finances always become a discussion about which services will be cut the most? Surely it is apparent to everyone that austerity doesn’t work. It hits the poorest hardest and is brutally unfair.

How about we close the non-dom tax dodge loophole instead? Or close the offshore tax havens?

Or tax the very wealthiest in our society, not more, but the same rate of tax as high earners in the PAYE system? A quick check of the rich list shows who these people are. They use completely legal means to minimise their “tax burden”.

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