Hudson in drugs inquiry

Tuesday 25 January 2005 01:00 GMT

The Bradford forward Ryan Hudson is facing a doping investigation by the Rugby Football League.

The Bradford forward Ryan Hudson is facing a doping investigation by the Rugby Football League.

The club have not yet commented on the matter but have confirmed their 25-year-old winter recruit has been suspended for disciplinary reasons. An RFL spokesman said: "He [Hudson] is the subject of a doping control investigation."

The news comes less than three weeks before Hudson was due to make his Bulls debut in Super League after joining from relegated Castleford.

The Bulls chairman, Chris Caisley, added: "Our inquiries into the matter in question are still ongoing and therefore there will be no further announcement by the club at this stage."

The matter comes just weeks after Caisley criticised the RFL for the lack of transparency in the drugs cases involving Leeds pair Keith Senior and Ryan Bailey in December. Senior and Bailey were each fined £1,500 in December after testing positive for the stimulant ephedrine.

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