Coronavirus: Bournemouth self-isolating after first-team player shows symptoms

Artur Boruc is among five first team members of staff self-isolating with symptoms consistent with COVID-19

Jack Rathborn
Friday 13 March 2020 11:17 GMT
Coronavirus: All you need to know about self-isolation

Bournemouth have confirmed Artur Boruc is among five first team members of staff self-isolating over coronavirus.

No player has tested positive for COVID-19, as the Premier League moves to navigate the crisis.

A meeting is occurring this morning to decide on whether to suspend the league and for how long.

A statement from the Cherries read: “AFC Bournemouth can confirm that five of its employees are currently self-isolating, having displayed symptoms consistent with COVID-19.

“Goalkeeper Artur Boruc, along with four first team members of staff, are self-isolating in line with Government and Public Health guidelines.

“This is a precautionary measure as, at this stage, none have tested positive for Coronavirus.

“The club continues to monitor the situation closely and to take suitable measures to ensure the wellbeing of its employees and supporters.

(Getty Images
(Getty Images (Getty Images)

“Further updates will be provided as necessary via the club’s website and social media channels.”

The Cherries are due to play Crystal Palace on Saturday, but that game may now be postponed.

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