US air strike targets Isis bank in Mosul, destroying 'millions of dollars'

US Department of Defense releases footage of attack on jihadist bank in Iraq

Harriet Sinclair
Sunday 17 January 2016 00:40 GMT
Footage from the coalition airstrike near Mosul on 11 January 2016
Footage from the coalition airstrike near Mosul on 11 January 2016 (EPA)

The US Department of Defense has released footage of an airstrike against an Isis bank in Mosul, Iraq, in which US officials claimed hundreds of dollars were destroyed.

Black and white video footage of the 11 January attack shows two 2,000-pound bombs being dropped on the building, followed by clouds of paper, believed to be currency, drifting above the explosion.

The cash stockpile was situated in an Isis stronghold, and it is believed the US government will continue to target Isis’ financial buildings as it attempts to remove the group’s resources.

Gen. Lloyd Austin, head of US Central Command told CNN: “It was a good strike. And we estimate that it served to deprive Isil (Isis) of millions of dollars.

”And combined with all of the other strikes that we've done on Isil's gas and oil production and distribution capabilities and strikes against his economic infrastructure and the various sources of revenue, you can bet that (it) is feeling the strain on his chequebook.“

”Isil needs those funds to pay their fighters, to recruit new fighters and to conduct their various maligned activities,“ he added.

”You know, we said from the outset of this campaign that to defeat Isil, we're going to have to take away its ability to resource itself."

The air strike on Isis’ bank came alongside 11 other strikes in Iraq on 11 January, with tactical units, a warehouse and fighting positions also targeted.

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