Asia Bibi: Pakistan denies Christian woman freed on blasphemy charges has left country

Officials claim Ms Bibi is being held at secure location

Zamira Rahim
Monday 12 November 2018 11:01 GMT
Protests across Pakistan after acquittal of Asia Bibi blasphemy trial

Pakistan’s government is attempting to counter rumours surrounding the release of Asia Bibi, a Christian woman who was acquitted of blasphemy charges after spending eight years on death row.

Officials said that images which purportedly show her leaving the country are fake.

Fawad Chaudhry, the country’s information minister, criticised the photos on Monday.

The images have spread across social media networks in Pakistan.

One of the photographs claims to show Ms Bibi meeting Pope Francis, but it is actually an image of her daughter that was taken two years ago.

Ms Bibi was arrested in 2009 on charges of insulting Islam’s prophet, Muhammad, before she was later sentenced to death in 2010.

The decision by Pakistan’s supreme court to free her has triggered protests throughout the South Asian nation.

Supporters of an Islamist group gather during a protest against the release of Asia Bibi
Supporters of an Islamist group gather during a protest against the release of Asia Bibi (AFP/Getty)

Public anger over the acquittal has sparked a crisis for Pakistan’s government, as hardline Islamists call for Ms Bibi’s execution.

They have also filed a petition to repeal the acquittal.

Rumours about Ms Bibi leaving Pakistan have only inflamed tensions further.

Ashiq Masih, the former inmate’s husband, earlier called on the UK to grant the family asylum, amid fears for their safety.

Authorities in Pakistan said last month that they arrested two prisoners for allegedly conspiring to strangle Ms Bibi while she was still incarcerated.

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Pakistan’s government said that Ms Bibi remains in the country at a secret location for her own protection where she will stay until the review into her acquittal is finished.

Additional reporting by agencies

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