Kamala Harris’ husband Douglas Emhoff shares heartfelt congratulations photo: ‘So proud of you’

Ms Harris is the first woman, and woman of color, to be elected vice president, and her husband will be the nation’s first “second gentleman”

Josh Marcus
Saturday 07 November 2020 18:06 GMT

On Saturday morning, as jubilant Democrats celebrated Joe Biden’s election win across the country, vice president-elect Kamala Harris’ husband Douglas Emhoff tweeted his congratulations to his wife for her historic achievement.

Meanwhile, the former California senator posted a video of her congratulating her running mate on becoming president, telling him, “We did it, Joe. You’re going to be the next president of the United States.”

Ms Harris is the first woman, and the first woman of colour, to hold the position, also making her the most high-ranking female official in the country’s history.

That also means Mr Emhoff, an entertainment lawyer, will be the nation’s first “second gentleman," as spouse to the vice president. 

Mr Emhoff, perhaps overshadowed on the campaign trail by the squadron of various Trump family members — Melania, Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, Tiffany, Jared (technically) — has held a slightly lower profile during this election. But because this is 2020, he still does have a small online fan community, who mark their posts with #DougHive.

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Still, that’s nothing compared to his wife’s fans, the #KHive, a hashtag which ironically took off organically online after Ms Harris sharply challenged Mr Biden during the Democratic debates over school integration bussing. Since then, the hashtag has reportedly had more than 360 million impressions online.

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